Couple Summit Blog

Straightforward resources, insights, and tips for growth-minded couples navigating the wild world of love and life.

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Can’t Get Over an Ex? Here's How.
Communication Lakshmi Padmanaban Communication Lakshmi Padmanaban

Can’t Get Over an Ex? Here's How.

Is your ex still lingering in your thoughts? Even though it’s been a while since the breakup happened? It is a fact that breakups are hard, and it can take some time to get over them. So what can you do to get over an ex and get back to your life quickly?

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Are you ready for marriage?
Communication Lakshmi Padmanaban Communication Lakshmi Padmanaban

Are you ready for marriage?

Are you ready for marriage? If only there were an easy answer to this question. Getting married is the most important decision you’ll ever make in life because it can change the entire course of your future for better or worse. It is not an easy decision; this blog can help you answer the impossible question together.

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How to Write Your Love Story
Writing Guides Anneysa Gaille Writing Guides Anneysa Gaille

How to Write Your Love Story

Are you trying to write your story but don't know how? You just need to let go of the idea that your love story has to follow a strict set of rules and fit into the mold you see in movies. Remember, every relationship and love story is unique and beautiful. Abandoning the love story blueprints that we have been fed via media is probably the best thing you can do for your own love story.

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Why talking about death Helps you live and love fully
Communication Lakshmi Padmanaban Communication Lakshmi Padmanaban

Why talking about death Helps you live and love fully

As you look at the life and death of a person, you’ll begin to realize how short life is. And how very little time we have to make memories, live our lives to the fullest, and make everyone around us happy. Being aware of our limited time on earth would mean that we’ll learn to embrace our life and spend it with those who truly matter to us.

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