Men, Take Charge: How to Use Relationship Check-Ins to Build a Stronger Bond

Let’s be real—men aren’t often encouraged to express their feelings or talk about their needs. Healthy relationships for men? They’re not discussed nearly enough. While women are often taught to care for others emotionally and openly share their feelings, men are told to bury their emotions, with the idea that vulnerability is a sign of weakness.

This creates a gap in emotional intelligence, making it harder for men to discuss what they need in a relationship. Sure, there's plenty of advice on how women can help men open up, but there’s not nearly enough focus on how men can actively improve their relationships and become better partners.

That's why we want to start the dialog on men and relationship check-ins. Leading in relationships by initiating relationship check-ins will take the pressure off your partner to be the one doing all the emotional labor. Proactive relationship maintenance also shows that you value your relationship enough to work on it, even when there isn't a problem.

Taking charge of relationships by initiating check-ins helps build intimacy for men and their partners. It will help build a solid partnership and create happier, more lasting relationships. Consider this the men's guide to relationship communication.  

A couple sitting at the back of their van parked at the beach.

Men are often deterred from discussing their feelings, making it hard to initiate relationship check-ins.

The Importance of Taking Initiative

The best relationship advice for men is to take the initiative in your relationships. Taking charge helps demonstrate emotional maturity in men and show your commitment in marriage or long-term relationships. Frequent relationship check-ins can improve men's relationship health by deepening your bond and enhancing understanding between you and your partner.

You'll also demonstrate that you can navigate and understand complex emotions. This will lead to a more emotionally resilient relationship. A solid foundation of communication and honesty will make your relationship strong enough to withstand any issues that arise in the future and ensure that your relationship remains healthy and fulfilling over time.

Couple dining alfresco

Initiating check-ins fosters gratitude and encourages positive behaviors for better partnerships.

Why Relationship Check-Ins Matter

People get complacent in relationships and take their partners for granted. Little things go unaddressed and cause resentment over time. The less partners really communicate about their relationship, the easier it is to grow apart. These are common communication mistakes. Relationship advice for men often ignores or even fosters these habits.

Relationship check-ins remind you what you love about each other, help you to remain grateful for one another, and keep the positives top of mind. Building intimacy for men can be difficult. Check-ins and improving relationship communication help you to open up about feelings and desires. That, in turn, will help build a closer emotional and physical connection.

You'll learn how best to meet each other's needs and grow closer as you become better partners with one another. Understanding each other better deepens your bond. Relationship check-ins also help you align your personal and relationship goals and stay on the same page about your future together.   

man and woman sitting at a table and holding hands

Men's relationship advice: Emphasize healthy relationships, express feelings, and initiate check-ins.

How to Start a Relationship Check-In

We all know that uneasy feeling when someone says, "We need to talk." It can trigger fight-or-flight mode, making many of us defensive or anxious. But here’s the thing—having these conversations is essential. And relationship check-ins are a great way to do it without all the pressure. We want healthy relationships for men, and check-ins are one of the best ways to build that.

So, how do you start a relationship check-in? Begin with these foundational elements.

  • Find the Right Time: Choose a moment when you're both relaxed and free from distractions to have a meaningful conversation. That means phones are down and on silent or do not disturb mode, there is no TV in the background, and no kids are running around making noise. Treat this time as sacred, not just another conversation.

  • Incorporate Fun Activities: Pair the check-in with enjoyable activities like a walk, a dinner date, or a scenic drive to make it feel less like a chore. You want to look forward to them, not dread them.

  • Focus on Positivity: Approach the conversation with an emphasis on growth and connection rather than just addressing issues. Instead of saying, "You never spend time with me anymore," try something more positive like, "I'd love it if we could spend more time together."

Example Questions to Facilitate the Conversation

A good relationship check-in requires asking the right questions. These questions help focus the conversation and ensure you're getting the right things out of it. Here are some essential topics and example questions to help build healthy relationships for men.

Vision - goals and future conversations

"What are some goals we want to achieve together in the next year, and how can we support each other in reaching them?"

Setting relationship goals helps guide your relationship in the right direction, rather than just letting life happen and hoping your relationship leads somewhere good. This question is how men can improve relationships by taking charge and actively participating in building something that will last.

Reflection - Gratitude and memory conversations

"What were some moments from the past month that made you feel especially happy or connected in our relationship?"

This helps you remember the positive and cultivate gratitude. It also helps you and your partner understand what you're doing right so you can do more of it. This is the first step in learning how to be a better partner.

Intimacy - Closeness and trust Conversations

"What are some ways we can improve our emotional and physical connection to feel more aligned with each other?"

Everyone receives love differently. Some people may need physical touch to feel connected, while others may feel most loved and appreciated when they're complimented or given gifts. Learn what makes each other feel most connected and act on it to build solid physical and emotional intimacy.

Sex - PLeasure and Desire Conversations

"How can we enhance our sexual connection and ensure it remains a fulfilling and enjoyable part of our relationship?"

People's sex drives don't always align. Some people need more than others, so finding a balance is crucial. Figuring out what your partner likes most in bed and what makes sex most enjoyable can make both people feel more fulfilled in your sex life.

Remember that relationship check-ins help build a closer connection.

Tools to Make It Easier

Couple Summit has some tools to make the process easier and more successful to ensure we're helping to create healthy relationships for men.  

Introducing the Relationship Check-In Cards:

  • What They Are: A practical tool with prompts to guide you through the check-in process.

  • How They Help: They provide a structured and fun approach to ensure you cover critical topics while still allowing flexibility.

  • Benefits: They simplify the process and help make these conversations more natural and less intimidating.

  • How to Get Them: Click below to shop now.

It's hard to know how men can improve relationships. That's why we provide tools like relationship check-in guides and relationship advice for men backed by years of research.


Finding solid relationship advice tailored for men can be challenging, and it’s easy to feel unsure about where to start. However, building healthy relationships is crucial, and understanding how to improve them is key to fostering strong, lasting bonds.

In today’s world, taking charge in a relationship looks different than it did in the past. With evolving expectations, it’s crucial to understand what your partner truly wants and needs. Relationship check-ins are a powerful tool to bring everything to light and bridge any gaps in understanding.

By initiating these check-ins, you can pave the way to healthier relationships and deeper connections. It’s all about making the first move and setting the stage for open, meaningful conversations. Take the initiative, and let relationship check-ins guide you towards a more fulfilling partnership. Try using our relationship check-in cards to facilitate regular, meaningful conversations with your partner to deepen your bond and strengthen your relationship.


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