Couple Summit Blog

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How to Carve Out Time for Yourself
Activities Lakshmi Padmanaban Activities Lakshmi Padmanaban

How to Carve Out Time for Yourself

Wouldn’t we all be pleased if we had more than 24 hours a day? Having to juggle responsibilities such as family, career, and friendship robs us of our personal time. We’re so consumed by our work that we often neglect ourselves and don’t prioritize our needs. If you want to make time for self-care, then here are a few practical tips to carve out time for yourself.

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How to Cultivate Independence in a Relationship
Activities Lakshmi Padmanaban Activities Lakshmi Padmanaban

How to Cultivate Independence in a Relationship

As your relationship grows, this codependency can translate to clinginess and eventually fatigue and monotony. Too much reliance on your partner can steal the independence of each other and lead to sourness. A relationship is not just about cultivating strong relationships but also about who you are when you aren’t together.

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How to Create Daily Intimacy Rituals
Activities Lakshmi Padmanaban Activities Lakshmi Padmanaban

How to Create Daily Intimacy Rituals

Finding yourself getting lost in the mundane aspects of life and neglecting your romantic life? To keep the intimacy alive in your relationship, you need to make a deliberate effort on your side. And that starts with a daily intimacy ritual.

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How to Create Quality Time in Your Relationship
Activities Couple Summit Team Activities Couple Summit Team

How to Create Quality Time in Your Relationship

Sometimes, it's challenging to identify whether you or your partner isn't investing enough quality time. See if you identify with any of the signs that you need more quality time together. Quality time also allows space for communication and intimacy to develop, which improves trust within partners. 

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How to Plan a Quality Date
Activities Tatiana Reger Activities Tatiana Reger

How to Plan a Quality Date

Just because you're in a relationship, it doesn't mean you stop dating. A date does more than just keep your relationship interesting—it helps to nourish the romance in your relationship.

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7 Ways To Keep Your Sex Life Alive During The Holidays
Activities Alex Shea Activities Alex Shea

7 Ways To Keep Your Sex Life Alive During The Holidays

The holidays are super stressful. The only way to get through them is to find some peace of mind somewhere in the middle of all that chaos. And one of the ways to do that is to, you know, have sex. Many people don't realize how powerful sex can be. We want you to know that having sex during the holidays isn’t as inconvenient as it’s made out to be.

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2020 Holiday Gift Guide For Couples Who Care
Activities Alex Shea Activities Alex Shea

2020 Holiday Gift Guide For Couples Who Care

The key is gifting for the person, not for you. We can get lost in the craze of the holidays with flash sales and Black Friday deals screaming through our screens at us. But some gifts aren’t the right gifts, no matter how mind-blowing the sale is. The best way to keep yourself from buying a gift you like but they don't is to think about love languages.

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