Relationship Nutrition - 7 Ways To Nurture Love Wellbeing

When we take steps into a relationship, we are often drawn in by a natural attraction to another person. Those hazy early dating days are about exploring who we are and what’s important to us. Our hearts soar when we receive a message asking for another date, and our feelings deepen as we begin to allow a new person into the intricate spaces of our lives.

 Sound familiar?

Over time, relationships become a little more layered. The process of opening up more of ourselves with another person is sometimes challenging. We are learning how to blend our values and our ideas with someone with an entirely different set of their own.

Finding true balance takes some configuring.

It can be easy to fall into negative attitudes of frustration and resentment when obstacles aren’t handled well. Left unchecked, such feelings can quickly become damaging to our wellbeing and our relationships. So how can we feed our relationships with the goodness they really need?

Here are 7 easy ways to nurture your relationship, no matter how long you’ve been together:

  1. Engage in each other’s activities.  Healthy relationships are partnerships where each person has space to be appreciated as their own person. Sometimes, hobbies and activities can get in the way of spending time together which can lead to disputes and disconnection. You don’t have to take up your partner’s hobby, but spending time hearing about it or going to watch them participate in it can be a great way of demonstrating you care. You might even find common ground and enjoy something new together! 

  2. Share a musical experience.  It is thought that our tribal instinct of needing to belong with a pack fuels the ‘feel good’ endorphins we experience when we enjoy musical rhythms with those we love. To access these positive energies, try playing instruments together, or simply have a dance in the kitchen to your favorite tracks! Anything that engages you together in a musical experience will be beneficial to your sense of bonding down the line.

  3. Take time to listen beyond hearing.  We might think we are good at communicating - but how often do we really sit and listen to someone we care about without being distracted by the bright lights of a smartphone or television screen? Even the most attentive of couples can benefit from setting aside some time to talk away from interruptions. Bonus tip - try not to interrupt where possible. Your partner will love you for it! 

  4. Reawaken your sensory connections. We are so reliant on technology for communication and entertainment that sensory experiences are easily overlooked. Switch off the TV and set up a calm space in your home. Candles, low lighting, and clutter-free floor space are ideal. Then, take turns massaging one another’s aches and pains. You don’t have to be experts to share massage; the wellbeing benefits will extend far beyond relaxing your muscles. 

  5. Find each other through the written word.  Writing is a powerful form of connection. Some of the greatest romances have grown from letter writing. Even if you live with your partner, you can still enjoy some of these romantic ideals. You could take turns to write a letter to one another week by week, becoming a tradition between you both. Reading a handwritten letter is an incredible feeling and it will soon become something truly special between you both.

  6. Rediscover why you fell for each other.  In the modern rush of life, it can be easy to fall into the trap of only looking into the future. Although having goals and plans are great, it’s important to treasure our personal history. Try reenacting your first or favorite date together, down to the little details. Find fun ways to reinvigorate your earlier connection and remind yourselves of the fun you have had together. You might be surprised at how much you’d forgotten!

  7. Embrace time apart.  You might be surprised at this final point. You came to this article seeking ways to be closer with your partner, not further apart, right? Well, sometimes we need to have some healthy space for ourselves in order to return to what we have with a fresh approach. None of us operate at our best when we are overwhelmed or under pressure. Respect your partner’s wellbeing, including when they might want a moment or an afternoon to themselves. You will return to one another with clearer minds and hearts.

Ultimately, relationships don’t tend to work well on auto-pilot. In order for them to stay fit and healthy, they require some nurturing. They need feeding with positive nutrition, cared for by a loving heart, and embraced with an open mind.

The better care we take of our relationships, the better they can care for us in return. If you are struggling with the disconnection you’re finding with your partner, then rest assured they are likely feeling similarly. The disconnect can lead to feelings of isolation and they can be hard to move past. To prevent - and overcome - these battles, try to practice good caretaking of the health of your relationship. You aren’t alone in this, there are two of you.

Reach beyond your fears to find the steady hand you’re seeking.

Love isn’t always easy, nor straightforward. But it’s why we’re all here, and it is the only thing we can take with us. It’s worth your time and effort, just as you are worthy of its gifts. Try out these seven steps in the coming months.

It could be the seven-course meal your relationship has been hungry for!

​Helen Victoria

Helen is a professional writer and a qualified relationship expert. She specializes in love health with a keen interest in toxic relationship prevention. Helen is also a social entrepreneur and domestic violence survivor who leads an organization that aims to prevent future abuse by providing educational resources to young people. Her work can be found on her website and: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter


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